WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Cairngorms National Park Authority Planning Development Management Committee 30 April 2010, The Duke of Gordon Hotel, Kingussie Additional Paper; Call-in Recommendation Report CNPA Ref 10/108/CP Highland Council Ref: 10/01607/FUL Applicant Name: Mr Ray Welham Development: Cairngorm Hotel, Grampian Road, Aviemore PH22 1PE Development Details: Replace Storm Damaged Outbuilding at Rear of Cairngorm Hotel with Storage Units. Render to Match Existing, Dark Grey Profiled Metal Composite Roof Sheeting, Doors Painted Grey to Match Hotel CNPA Notified: 12-Apr-10 Call-in Expiry: 03-May-10 Application Type: FUL Planner Call-in: No Call-in Constraints On-site: LB Adj: SPR Prev_Apps: 05/293/CP NMR NSA 05/294/CP FR 06/158/CP TPO 07/302/CP 08/050/CP 09/342/CP 09/343/CP CNPA Ref 10/109/CP Aberdeenshire Council Ref: M/APP/2010/0979 Applicant Name: Mr & Mrs A Anderson Development: Birchwood, 42 Chapel Brae, Braemar AB35 5YT Development Details: Replacement Self Contained Self Catering Unit CNPA Notified: 12-Apr-10 Call-in Expiry: 03-May-10 Application Type: FUL Planner Call-in: No Call-in Constraints On-site: NSA Adj: AWI Prev_Apps: CA SNAWI SESA NMR LB CNPA Ref 10/110/CP Aberdeenshire Council Ref: M/APP/2010/0628 Applicant Name: Miss Aileen Miller Development: Unit 3, The Mews, Mar Road, Braemar AB35 5YL Development Details: Erection of Signage CNPA Notified: 13-Apr-10 Call-in Expiry: 04-May-10 Application Type: ADV Planner Call-in: No Call-in Constraints On-site: CA Adj: Prev_Apps: 09/215/CP SESA 10/017/CP NSA NMR CNPA Ref 10/111/CP Highland Council Ref: 10/01688/FUL Applicant Name: Mr John & Mrs Eimear Keenan Development: The Larches, Lynchat, Kingussie PH21 1LT Development Details: Extensions to House (Revised Application for Ref 10/027/FULBS) CNPA Notified: 15-Apr-10 Call-in Expiry: 06-May-10 Application Type: FUL Planner Call-in: No Call-in Constraints On-site: NMR Adj: SNAWI Prev_Apps: 10/046/CP AWI SPR CNPA Ref 10/112/CP Highland Council Ref: 10/01529/FUL Applicant Name: RTD Thistle Ltd Development: Strathspey Hotel, High Street, Grantown-On-Spey PH26 3EL Development Details: a. Re-development of Existing Hotel and Erection of New Extension b. Conversion of Part of Existing Hotel to Dwelling House c. Erection of 8 Flats (Phasing Proposals to Support Variation of Condition 13 of 08/0147/CP) CNPA Notified: 15-Apr-10 Call-in Expiry: 06-May-10 Application Type: FUL Planner Call-in: To Follow Constraints On-site: CA Adj: Prev_Apps: 08/015/CP LB 08/016/CP NMR 08/147/CP SPR 08/148/CP CNPA Ref 10/113/CP Highland Council Ref: 10/01630/FUL Applicant Name Mr Phillip Southcott Development Duke of Gordon Hotel, Newtonmore Road, Kingussie Development Details Addition of Single Storey Rear Extension to the Old Printer's Works to Serve a Wood Chip Store to Serve Biomass Boiler CNPA Notified 15-Apr-10 Call-in Expiry 06-May-10 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in No Call-in Constraints On-site: SPR Adj: Prev_Apps: 03/148/CP CNPA Ref 10/114/CP Aberdeenshire Council Ref: M/APP/2010/0511 Applicant Name Mr & Mrs P McCarthy Development Land to West of Pinelands, 16 Queens Road, Ballater AB35 5NJ Development Details Change of Use from Vacant Wasteland to Domestic Garden Ground and Erection of Garage and Shed CNPA Notified 16-Apr-10 Call-in Expiry 07-May-10 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in No Call-in Constraints On-site: CA Adj: Prev_Apps: SESA CNPA Ref 10/115/CP Highland Council Ref: 10/01378/FUL Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Edmund Metcalfe Development Garden Ground of Dell Cottage, Nethy Bridge Development Details Erection of House CNPA Notified 19-Apr-10 Call-in Expiry 10-May-10 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in To Follow Constraints On-site: Adj: AWI Prev_Apps: 04/563/CP SNAWI 08/203/CP SAC CNPA Ref 10/116/CP Aberdeenshire Council Ref: M/APP/2010/1213 Applicant Name Mr & Mrs R Sharp Development Glenbardie Guest House, 42 Braemar Road, Ballater AB35 5RQ Development Details Alterations and Extension to Former Bothy Ancillary to Dwellinghouse (Amended Design to APP/2009/2441 to Include Dormer Windows) CNPA Notified 20-Apr-10 Call-in Expiry 11-May-10 Application Type LBC Planner Call-in No Call-in Constraints On-site: CA Adj: LS Prev_Apps: 08/168/CP SESA AWI 08/204/CP LB SNAWI 09/325/CP SSSI 10/004/CP 10/117/CP CNPA Ref 10/117/CP Aberdeenshire Council Ref: M/APP/2010/1071 Applicant Name Mr & Mrs R Sharp Development Glenbardie Guest House, 42 Braemar Road, Ballater AB35 5RQ Development Details Alterations and Extension to Former Bothy Ancillary to Dwellinghouse (Amended Design to APP/2009/2440 to Include Dormer Windows) CNPA Notified 20-Apr-10 Call-in Expiry 11-May-10 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in No Call-in Constraints On-site: CA Adj: LS Prev_Apps: 08/168/CP SESA AWI 08/204/CP LB SNAWI 09/325/CP SSSI 10/004/CP 10/116/CP CNPA Ref 10/118/CP Highland Council Ref: 10/01488/FUL Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Gordon Development Eilean Donan, Coulnakyle, Nethy Bridge PH25 3EA Development Details Application to Remove Condition 1 of Planning Permission 99/186/BS - Restriction of Occupancy CNPA Notified 22-Apr-10 Call-in Expiry 13-May-10 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in To Follow Constraints On-site: FR Adj: Prev_Apps: CNPA Ref 10/119/CP Highland Council Ref: 10/01677/FUL Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Wilson Development Brandanin, Woodside Avenue, Grantown-On-Spey PH26 3JR Development Details Demolish Existing Conservatory and ` Erect Replacement Extension to Form Sun Room CNPA Notified 22-Apr-10 Call-in Expiry 13-May-10 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in No Call-in Constraints On-site: None Adj: Prev_Apps: CNPA Ref 10/120/CP Highland Council Ref: 10/01648/FUL Applicant Name Pitmain Estate Ltd Development Land At Shepherds Cottage (aka Aultlarie Cottage), Pitmain, Kingussie Road, Newtonmore Development Details Demolish Existing House and Erect One & Half Storey House and Alteration of Access CNPA Notified 22-Apr-10 Call-in Expiry 13-May-10 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in To Follow Constraints On-site: FR Adj: SAC Prev_Apps: NMR CNPA Ref 10/121/CP Highland Council Ref: 10/01482/FUL Applicant Name Mr Stephen Rooney Development 13 Paterson Road, Aviemore PH22 1TN Development Details Erection of Sun Lounge CNPA Notified 22-Apr-10 Call-in Expiry 13-May-10 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in No Call-in Constraints On-site: Adj: Prev_Apps: 04/296/CP